Tuesday, July 14, 2009

VISA card now comes with keypad, generates random security code

It was last year Innovative Card Technologies and eMue Technologies introduced the credit card that comes with its own authentication system, and now Visa Europe has rolled out their newly designed credit card which comes with similar authentication system. (VISA may have purchased those cards from the two companies)

The new credit card introduced by VISA comes with a keypad, and a digital number display. The card is exactly the usual size and there is also a magnetic strip that can be used with conventional card readers. At the back of the credit card, you don’t get the traditional security code number. Instead, you key your pin number on its keypad to get to generate a random security code on the digital display.

You can then enter this one-time security code while making a purchase online. This is definitely much more secure than the traditional security code, as no one could simply guess what the card has generated.